We regret to inform you that this event has been postponed. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your interest in the Atlantic Council’s events.
The War in Ukraine has caused a geopolitical shift of resources around the world. This war has exacerbated food insecurity, climate preparedness, security and human rights violations, and created global supply chain disruption. Furthermore, resources that were once pledged to Africa were rerouted to help combat the war in Ukraine.
In the meantime, the war has opened the door to new trade opportunities, especially in the energy sector, for the African continent as a powerful alternative. The purpose of this meeting is to convene key decision makers who are neighbors to Africa, from Europe and the Middle East to discuss with leaders of African development institutions in thoughtful dialogue on their cooperation and to inform the stakeholders about their priorities.
However, African expectations go beyond covering the current needs (lands, mineral resources, and energy) of its allies. In order to foster the long-term industrial transformation of the continent, President Macky Sall of Senegal, as Chairman of the AU, has called on Africa’s development partners to agree to a renegotiation of the terms of the current multilateral system in light of shocks dealt to the global economy by the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russian War on Ukraine.
Earlier this year, the US Secretary of Treasury, Hon. Janet Yellen advocated for international finance reform of the Britton Woods Institutions. The event offers an opportunity to discuss these historic proposals on the sidelines of the IMF/World Bank Fall Meetings.
Keynote Remarks
Jutta Urpilainen
European Union International Partnerships
Admassu Tadesse
The Eastern and Southern African Trade and Development Bank
Amb. Rama Yade
Senior Director, Africa Center
Atlantic Council
Josh Lipsky
Senior Director, GeoEconomics Center
Atlantic Council
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The Africa Center works to promote dynamic geopolitical partnerships with African states and to redirect US and European policy priorities toward strengthening security and bolstering economic growth and prosperity on the continent.