A conversation with:
Ambassador James Cunningham
Nonresident Senior Fellow, South Asia Center
Atlantic Council
Ambassador Rakesh Sood
Distinguished Fellow
Observer Research Foundation
Mr. Mahbub Hassan Saleh
Deputy Chief of Mission
Embassy of Bangladesh
Introduced and Moderated by:
Ms. Hagar Hajjar Chemali
Chief Executive Officer
Greenwich Media Strategies, LLC.
Mr. Vipin Sahijwani
Chief Executive Officer
Lynx Investment Advisory
Please join the Atlantic Council for a workshop to discuss South Asia's methods for monitoring and preventing violent extremism in the region. In a panel moderated by Mr. Hagar Hajjar Chemali, Mr Mahbub Hassan Saleh, Ambassador James Cunningham, and Ambassador Rakesh Sood will discuss best practices for preventing radicalization with a focus on how to identify illicit financial transactions and analyze potential threats. This workshop comes on the heels of increased acts of violence in India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan, which spurs from radicalization of those most at-risk in these countries.
On Twitter? Follow @ACSouthAsia and use #ACSouthAsia
Atlantic Council
1030 15th Street NW, 12th Floor (West Tower Elevator)
Washington, DC
This event is open to press and on the record.
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