Please join the NATO Public Forum think tank consortium members—the Atlantic Council, the Center for a New American Security (CNAS), the German Marshall Fund of the United States, GLOBSEC, and the Hudson Institute—for a private roundtable with NATO Assistant Secretary General for Intelligence and Security Scott Bray and Senior Director for Strategic Planning at the US National Security Council (NSC) Thomas Wright. This event will take place in-person on Thursday, May 9, from 2:00 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. ET, at the Atlantic Council headquarters.
As Russia wages its war against Ukraine and conflict continues in the Middle East, the Euro-Atlantic community faces an existential challenge to the rules-based international order. Within this inflection point, the NATO Alliance will meet in Washington this July for the 2024 NATO Summit, which promises to define the future of the Alliance. At this year’s Summit, the Alliance must reaffirm its ability to deliver on its commitment to collective security and NATO’s role in ensuring peace and stability around the world.
NATO—alongside a consortium of five think tanks—will host the NATO Public Forum, the official event that will take place on the sidelines of the Summit. To preview the NATO Summit proceedings, the five consortium partners are pleased to host NATO Assistant Secretary General Scott Bray and NSC Senior Director Thomas Wright for an off-the-record conversation on the current state-of-play and the deliverables that will need to come out of the landmark NATO Summit to secure the future of the world’s strongest military alliance.

Scott W. Bray
Assistant Secretary General for Intelligence and Security
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
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Scott W. Bray is NATO’s Assistant Secretary General for Intelligence and Security. Mr. Bray ensures that the NATO intelligence organizations operate as an enterprise to meet the challenging demands of the Alliance. He also is the senior advisor to the Secretary General for intelligence and security matters.

Thomas Wright
Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Strategic Planning
National Security Council
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Thomas Wright is special assistant to the president and senior director for strategic planning at the National Security Council. Previously, he was director of the Center for the United States and Europe at the Brookings Institution, a contributing writer at The Atlantic, and a nonresident senior fellow at the Lowy Institute for International Policy.
Opening remarks

Jenna Ben-Yehuda
Executive Vice President
Atlantic Council
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Jenna H. Ben-Yehuda is executive vice president of the Atlantic Council. She is former president and chief executive officer of the Truman National Security Project and the Truman Center for National Policy.
A longtime advocate for gender equity in national security, she is the founder of the Women’s Foreign Policy Network, a global membership community from over one hundred countries. She earned multiple Superior and Meritorious Honor Awards during her twelve years at the US Department of State where she served in a range of intelligence and policy roles in the Western Hemisphere, including serving as senior military advisor to US Northern Command, US Southern Command, and US Special Operations Command before moving to a leadership role in the private sector.

Matthew Kroenig
Vice President and Senior Director, Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security
Atlantic Council
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Dr. Matthew Kroenig is vice president and senior director of the Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security. In these roles, he manages the Scowcroft Center’s nonpartisan team of more than thirty resident staff and oversees the Council’s extensive network of nonresident fellows. His own research focuses on US national security strategy, strategic competition with China and Russia, and strategic deterrence and weapons nonproliferation.