Defense-Industrial Policy Series:
Modernizing Army Acquisition

The Hon. Heidi Shyu
Assistant Secretary of Army,
Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology

US Department of Defense 

Moderated by:
Steven Grundman
M.A. and George Lund Fellow
Atlantic Council  

The Atlantic Council and National Defense Industrial Association are pleased to announce that Heidi Shyu, the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology, will give an Atlantic Council Defense-Industrial Policy address entitled Modernizing Army Acquisition at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, June 10, at the Atlantic Council’s headquarters in Washington, DC.

Delivered against the backdrop of recently filed bills in the House and Senate that propose substantial reform of defense acquisition practices, Ms. Shyu’s address will frame the challenge and promise of reform, respond to common criticisms of Army acquisition, and identify the initiatives on which she is focused for improving the performance of the Army’s system.

Heidi Shyu was appointed Assistant Secretary of the Army in September 2012 after serving as the Principal Deputy in that office since November 2010. Prior to her government service, Ms. Shyu had a thirty-year career in a series of technical and engineering assignments at Raytheon, Litton, Grumman, and Hughes that featured leadership responsibilities for unmanned systems and radar/electronic warfare sensors.

The Defense-Industrial Policy Series is a platform for senior government executives in defense and aerospace to address the public policies that shape these industries’ markets. By engaging the perspective of government leaders about issues at the interface of defense ministries and industries, the series aims to cultivate a constituency for practical solutions to these problems.

June 10, 2015
10:30 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.

Atlantic Council
1030 15th Street NW
12th Floor (West Tower Elevator)
Washington, DC