Please join us for a high-level symposium on Next Steps in Yemen’s Transition: Focus on Economic Priorities on Thursday, December 5 from 9:00am-2:00pm.
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This off-the-record discussion will bring together a select group of experts closely involved in this topic from the international financial institutions, Washington policymakers, European partners, and implementing organizations to engage with leading Yemeni experts. The discussion will focus on the urgency of economic gains to achieve success in Yemen’s political transition, where the Yemeni government should focus its efforts, and how the international community can support this agenda and leverage its assistance in this next critical phase of its transition. The symposium will foster an opportunity to place greater emphasis on economic issues and to think creatively about how the international community can best help Yemen address the most pressing issues: unemployment, service delivery, and improving the business environment. 

This event is private and the invitation is non-transferable.


Please use the West Tower elevators when you arrive.

If you have any questions, please contact us.