A discussion with
Sarah Hees
Regional Coordinator Peace and Security Policy

Mahmoud Saikal
Afghanistan Policy Group

Moderated by
Shuja Nawaz
Director, South Asia Center
Atlantic Council

The peaceful future of Afghanistan is intertwined with the peaceful future of the region, even more so once the withdrawal of International Security Assistance Forces from Afghanistan will be completed by the end of 2014. The country’s direct and regional neighbors will have the honor and responsibility to support Afghanistan’s quest for independent, secure, and prosperous development.

In 2012, the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES) established a network of policy groups in Afghanistan, Central Asia, India, and Pakistan for a regional project entitled “Envisioning a Secure and Independent Afghanistan Post 2014. Perspectives and Strategies for Constructive Conflict Resolution from the Neighborhood.”

The project participants—high-ranking and influential policymakers, scholars, and journalists—met on a regular basis to build trust and mutual understanding and to formulate policy guidelines for the region, resulting in a joint declaration to be presented at this discussion. Khalid Aziz, Convener, Pakistan Policy Group; Ashok Mehta, Convener, India Policy Group; Sanat Kushkumbayev, Convener (Kazakhstan), Central Asia Policy Group; and Haron Amin, Facilitator, Afghanistan Policy Group will also join the discussion.

The discussion will be held under Chatham House Rule. Invited journalists will have the opportunity for interviews after the debate.

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