Reflections on Ukraine’s Crisis

A public event with:
The Hon. Geoff Pyatt
US Ambassador to Ukraine

Welcoming remarks by:
Mr. Damon Wilson 
Executive Vice President
Atlantic Council

Moderated by:
The Hon. John Herbst
Director, Dinu Patriciu Eurasia Center
Atlantic Council

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Please join the Atlantic Council’s Dinu Patriciu Eurasia Center for a public event featuring United States Ambassador to Ukraine Geoff Pyatt on Monday, December 8, 2014 from 1:45 to 2:45 p.m. at the Atlantic Council. 

Ambassador Pyatt, the eighth US ambassador to Ukraine, arrived in Kyiv on August 3, 2013. Three months after his arrival, the Ukrainian capital witnessed eruption of massive civil protests against Yanukovych government’s decision not to enact the Association Agreement with the European Union. 

A year and a half later, amidst Ukraine’s economic crisis, Russia’s violation of territorial integrity of Ukraine in the East and militarization of Crimea, the ambassador remains firm in supporting Ukrainian people’s pro-European and pro-democratic choice.

Ambassador Pyatt will share his insights into the ongoing crisis in Ukraine and will delineate future prospects for US-Ukraine relations going forward.

This event is part of our Ukraine in Europe Initiative, in which we particularly focus on galvanizing the transatlantic community in order to help ensure Ukraine survives as an independent nation. 

December 8, 2014
1:45 – 2:45 p.m. 

1030 15th Street NW
12th Floor (West Tower Elevator)
Washington, DC 

This event is open to press and on-the-record.

VISITING THE COUNCIL:  Metro and parking info