The Atlantic Council Global Energy Center and the Embassy of Lithuania in the United States are pleased to invite you to the virtual launch of the Atlantic Council’s new report, Bolstering energy security in Northeastern Europe through transatlantic cooperation, on Wednesday, September 21 from 10:00 – 11:30 am ET, streamed live from the sidelines of the UN General Assembly.

The event will include opening remarks from Frederick Kempe, president and chief executive officer of the Atlantic Council, and Audra Plepytė, Lithuanian ambassador to the United States. After, in a fireside chat, H.E. Gitanas Nausėda, president of the Republic of Lithuania. H.E. Nausėda will share the latest updates on the energy security situation in Europe, and outline Lithuania’s plans for ending its energy dependence on Russia while continuing the nation’s robust support for Ukraine. He will also share valuable lessons based on Lithuania’s experiences that can help Europe transition away from Russian energy sources. Ambassador Richard Morningstar, founding chairman of the Global Energy Center, will lead the fireside chat with the president.

This conversation will be followed by a discussion featuring high-ranking Lithuanian and US government officials, as well as industry leaders, including Daiva Garbaliauskaitė, Lithuanian vice-minister of energy, Harry R. Kamian, senior bureau official and principal deputy assistant secretary for the Bureau of Energy Resources at the U.S. Department of State, Steven Kobos, president and chief executive officer of Excelerate Energy, Algis Latakas, chief executive officer of Klaipėda Sea Port, and Ambassador Geoffrey R. Pyatt, US assistant secretary of state for energy resources, who will discuss opportunities to enhance energy security by boosting renewable energy and offshore wind production in the Baltic region. The conversation will be moderated by Olga Khakova, deputy director for European energy security at the Global Energy Center

This timely event will launch the Atlantic Council’s new report Bolstering Energy Security in Northeastern Europe through Transatlantic Cooperation. The report is the culmination of eighteen months of research on opportunities to enhance transatlantic energy security cooperation and climate action. The findings and recommendations described in the report will be discussed by policymakers and private sector leaders at the event.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is causing a monumental shift across European energy systems, as gas and electricity shut-offs are weaponized for the Kremlin’s geopolitical ends. Northeastern Europe has been on the leading edge in mitigating the risks of overreliance on Russian energy, serving as a model for sourcing alternative energy supplies and the construction of new infrastructure, offering timely lessons in neutralizing Russia’s energy leverage. The United States has a clear interest in supporting these efforts: An energy-secure Europe is a top geostrategic priority for the transatlantic alliance.

A fireside chat with

H. E. Gitanas Nausėda, President of the Republic of Lithuania

Opening remarks

Frederick Kempe, President and Chief Executive Officer, Atlantic Council

Audra Plepytė, Lithuanian ambassador to the United States

Moderated by

Amb. Richard Morningstar, Founding Chairman, Global Energy Center, Atlantic Council; Former US Ambassador to the European Union

Special remarks from

The Hon. Geoffrey R. Pyatt, Assistant Secretary for Energy Resources, U.S. Department of State

A panel discussion featuring

Daiva Garbaliauskaitė, Vice-Minister for Energy, Republic of Lithuania

Steven Kobos, President and Chief Executive Officer, Excelerate Energy

Algis Latakas, Chief Executive Officer, Klaipėda Sea Port

The Hon. Geoffrey R. Pyatt, Assistant Secretary for Energy Resources, U.S. Department of State

Moderated by

Olga Khakova, Deputy Director for European Energy Security, Global Energy Center, Atlantic Council

The Global Energy Center develops and promotes pragmatic and nonpartisan policy solutions designed to advance global energy security, enhance economic opportunity, and accelerate pathways to net-zero emissions.