The COVID-19 pandemic exposed preexisting economic inequality across the Western Hemisphere. The Ninth Summit of the Americas presents an opportunity to galvanize support for sustainable and inclusive economic development for the region. Climate disasters cost the United States roughly $145 billion in 2021, and the price tag of adjusting to climate change in developing countries will rise from $70 billion to up to $500 billion by 2050. The region must take bold steps today to prioritize renewable economic growth, with a focus on the inclusion of vulnerable communities.
With the Ninth Summit of the Americas fast approaching, how can leaders build consensus to support the transformation to environmentally sustainable, inclusive, and resilient economic development? How can greater investment support poor and marginalized communities who experience disproportionate harm from climate change?
As part of a partnership with the US Department of State, the Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center is bringing together regional organizations to advance an inclusive conversation on the future of green and equitable economies in anticipation of the Ninth Summit of the Americas. The Atlantic Council’s Adrienne Arsht-Rockefeller Foundation Resilience Center will also add their expertise to the upcoming event.
Join us actively participate in a virtual conversation, “Road to the Summit: A green and equitable future for the Americas” on Thursday, March 17 from 12:00 – 1:30 p.m. (ET). Speakers and audience members will share ideas on ways to spur and sustain green and equitable economic growth. All participants will have the option to submit questions and comments prior to and during this interactive event.
Learn more about our Road to the Summit campaign here.
Simultaneous interpretation in English, Spanish, and Portuguese will be available for Zoom attendees, as will closed captioning.
Keynote conversation
Mayor Eric Garcetti
Los Angeles
Jason Marczak
Senior Director, Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center
Atlantic Council
Opportunities for Equitable Economic Growth
Tonni Ann Brodber
Multi-Country Caribbean Office
UN Women
Maria Tuyuc
Global Network of Indigenous Entrepreneurs of Guatemala
Ángela Maria Zuluaga
Senior Vice President for Public Affairs, Communications and Sustainability
The Coca-Cola Company
Fireside conversation
Claudio Orrego Larraín
Governor of Santiago
Republic of Chile
Mauricio Rodas
Former Mayor of Quito, Republic of Ecuador
Nonresident Senior Fellow
Adrienne Arsht – Rockefeller Foundation Resilience Center
Atlantic Council
Advancing Green Economic Growth
Ambassador Anton Edmunds
Former Ambassador to the United States
Former Permanent Representative to the Organization of American States
Saint Lucia
Pedro Abramovay
Regional Director
Latin America and the Caribbean
Open Society Foundations
Diana Chaves
Jungle Foods
Strategic Alliances Coordinator
Impact Hub San José
Sonia Guajajara
National Coordinator
Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil (APIB)
Mary Ann Walker
Managing Partner
WH Legal Group LLP
Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center Advisory Council
Atlantic Council
Leslee Gutierrez Carrillo
Lead Environmental Justice Organizer
Comunidades Organizando el Poder y la Accion Latina (COPAL)
La pandemia del COVID-19 expuso la desigualdad económica preexistente en todo el hemisferio occidental. La novena Cumbre de las Américas presenta una oportunidad para galvanizar el apoyo al desarrollo económico sostenible e inclusivo para la región. Los desastres climáticos le costaron a los Estados Unidos aproximadamente $ 145 mil millones en 2021, y el precio de ajustarse al cambio climático en los países en desarrollo aumentará de $70 mil millones a hasta $500 mil millones para 2050. La región debe tomar medidas audaces hoy para priorizar el crecimiento económico renovable, con un enfoque en la inclusión de las comunidades vulnerables.
Con la novena Cumbre de las Américas acercándose rápidamente, ¿cómo pueden los líderes construir el consenso para apoyar la transformación hacia un desarrollo económico ambientalmente sostenible, inclusivo y resiliente? ¿Cómo puede una mayor inversión apoyar a las comunidades pobres y marginadas que experimentan un daño desproporcionado debido al cambio climático?
Como parte de una colaboración con el Departamento de Estado de los Estados Unidos, el Centro Adrienne Arsht para Latinoamérica está reuniendo a organizaciones regionales para avanzar en una conversación inclusiva sobre el futuro de las economías verdes y equitativas de cara a la novena Cumbre de las Américas.
Únete y participa activamente en nuestra discusión virtual, “Camino a la Cumbre: Un futuro verde y equitativo para las Américas”, que se realizará el jueves, 17 de martes, de 12:00 a 1:30 p.m. (ET). Este evento es parte de una serie de discusiones en colaboración con el Departamento de Estado de Estados Unidos en preparación a la novena Cumbre de las Américas. Los participantes del evento tendrán la opción de enviar sus preguntas o comentarios antes y durante el evento.
Para más información sobre nuestra campaña #CaminoALaCumbre, visite nuestro sitio de web aquí.
El evento contará con traducción simultánea y subtítulos en inglés, español y portugués.

The Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center broadens understanding of regional transformations and delivers constructive, results-oriented solutions to inform how the public and private sectors can advance hemispheric prosperity.

The Adrienne Arsht-Rockefeller Foundation Resilience Center will reach one billion people with resilience solutions to climate change, migration, and security challenges by 2030. We will focus our efforts on individuals, communities, and a broad spectrum of governments and institutions to help them, and their constituencies and stakeholders, better prepare for, navigate, and recover from shocks and stresses. We will help build a more resilient world.