EuroGrowth Initiative
The European Stability Mechanism- A firewall for the Eurozone and first line of defense for Global Financial Stability?

Introduced by:
Andrea Montanino
C. Boyden Gray Fellow on Global Finance and Growth
Director, Global Business & Economics Program

Atlantic Council

A Conversation with:
Klaus Regling
Managing Director
European Stability Mechanism

Moderated by:
Jeanna Smialek
Economic Reporter
Bloomberg News

As the European Union (EU) celebrates its 60th Anniversary this year, it is surrounded by economic and political crises posing formidable challenges to the Union itself. One of the most pressing issues that has confronted the EU is the Eurozone crisis which has produced economic turmoil, shaken global financial institutions, and called the feasibility of the euro into question. The Eurozone crisis prompted the establishment of the European Stability Mechanism (ESM), an intergovernmental organization dedicated to the provision of rapid financial assistance to EU member states in times of acute financial emergency which has provided necessary stability during turbulent times. Mr. Klaus Regling was integral in the establishment of the ESM and currently serves as its first Managing Director. In his discourse, Mr. Regling will address the instrumental role played by the ESM in preserving the euro throughout the crisis, recent improvements in the situation within the Eurozone, and the manner in which the ESM works in concert with international organizations, such as the International Monetary Fund, in fortifying the Global Financial Stability Net (GFSN). The event will feature a moderated discussion between Mr. Regling and Ms. Jeanna Smialek of Bloomberg News and a question/answer session.

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Atlantic Council
1030 15th Street NW, 12th Floor (West Tower Elevator) 
Washington, DC

This event is open to press and on the record. 

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