The Hamouns and the Water Crisis in Iran 

A Conversation with:
Mohammad Ehsani
Documentary Filmmaker

Fatemeh Aman
Expert, Middle Eastern and South Asian Affairs

Gerald Galloway
Professor of Engineering

University of Maryland

David Laylin

Sher Jan Ahmadzai
Director, Center for Afghanistan Studies
University of Nebraska
Moderated by:
Barbara Slavin
Acting Director, Future of Iran Initiative
Atlantic Council 

A combination of climate change, excessive construction of dams, and poor water management threatens the Hamouns, which have provided a livelihood for the peoples of the region for 5000 years. Panelists will discuss the crisis and suggest solutions that can benefit Iranians, Afghans, and the international community.

Please join the Atlantic Council’s Future of Iran Initiative for the US premiere of "Once Hamoun," a documentary on Iran's disappearing Hamoun wetlands, and the launch of a new report on Iran-Afghan water disputes. 

On Twitter? Follow @ACSouthAsia and use #ACIran

Atlantic Council
1030 15th Street NW, 12th Floor (West Tower Elevator) 
Washington, DC 

This event is open to press and on the record. 

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