Trends, Actors, and Factors in India’s 2014 Elections
Thu, January 30, 2014 • 10:30 am ET
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12th Floor
Washington, DC 20005
A discussion withSadanand DhumeResident Fellow American Enterprise Institute Milan VaishnavAssociate, South Asia Program Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Introduced and moderated byBharath GopalaswamyDeputy Director, South Asia Center Atlantic Council After nearly a decade in power, the ruling Indian National Congress and its allies are expected to battle with a growing opposition in the upcoming national […]
A discussion with Sadanand Dhume Resident Fellow American Enterprise Institute
Milan Vaishnav Associate, South Asia Program Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Introduced and moderated by Bharath Gopalaswamy Deputy Director, South Asia Center Atlantic Council
After nearly a decade in power, the ruling Indian National Congress and its allies are expected to battle with a growing opposition in the upcoming national elections. An economic downturn, corruption scandals, and a growing youth bloc are few among many factors sparking calls for change. The opposition Bharatiya Janata Party and Aam Aadmi parties are gaining momentum, and promising an interesting election in the midst of an already transformative year for the South Asia region. Sadanand Dhume and Milan Vaishnav will discuss trends, actors, and various factors influencing this critical election in India.
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