Please join us on Friday, December 6 from 12:00 to 2:00 pm for an off-the-record roundtable discussion on US democracy assistance to Tunisia.
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Although Tunisia’s democratic transition faces significant challenges, so far it offers perhaps the greatest chance of democratic success among the Arab transition countries. Since 2011, the United States has made a significant investment in a wide range of democracy-related programs in elections, political party strengthening, civil society, media, security sector reform, and youth empowerment, among other areas.  For these reasons, Tunisia offers an important case study for the role of US democracy assistance in a democratizing Arab country.

The roundtable will bring together a select group of representatives of US NGOs working on democracy-related projects in Tunisia, US officials closely involved in support for Tunisia’s transition, and other experts to reflect on the US democracy promotion experience over the last three years in Tunisia. The roundtable will explore such questions as:

What are the most important results of US democracy assistance in Tunisia so far?
How does US assistance fit into the wider landscape of international democracy aid in Tunisia?

What should be the priorities going forward? What are the most important lessons learned to apply to future efforts in Tunisia, and to democracy assistance elsewhere in the Arab world?  


Please use the West Tower elevators when you arrive.

If you have any questions, please contact us.