Program Overview
The US-Pakistan program aims to build a solid, long term forum for dialogue between the United States and Pakistan with a focus on security, public policy/governance, and economic development.  It seeks to strengthen ties and develop increased understanding between the two countries through various activities, including an exchange fellowship.
The exchange fellowship seeks four individuals, two from Pakistan and two from the US, who are newly established scholars and analysts who wish to undertake policy-relevant research and writing in one of the three pillars of the program: public policy, economic development, or security.  Each Fellow will receive a fellowship to visit the other country for ten days.  During their stay, Fellows visit two cities in the host country, meet with relevant stakeholders and experts, and conduct on-the-ground research to produce a policy oriented publication, similar to an Atlantic Council issue brief.  Fellows from Pakistan will also have an opportunity to present their work at an event; Fellows from Pakistan will present in Washington DC or one of the other cities they visit while Fellows from the US may present their work in Pakistan.
About the Atlantic Council and South Asia Center
The Atlantic Council promotes constructive leadership and engagement in international affairs based on the central role of the Atlantic Community in meeting global challenges. Founded in 1961, the Council provides an essential forum for navigating the dramatic shifts in economic and political influence that are shaping the twenty-first century by educating and galvanizing its uniquely influential, nonpartisan network of international political, business, and intellectual leaders. Through the papers we write, the ideas we promote, and the communities we build, the Council’s ten regional centers and functional programs shape today’s policy choices and foster transatlantic strategies to advance international security and global economic prosperity.
The Atlantic Council’s South Asia Center was launched in 2009, under the leadership of Shuja Nawaz. The Center serves as the Atlantic Council’s focal point for work on greater South Asia as well as its relations between these countries, the neighboring regions, Europe and the United States. It seeks to foster partnerships with key institutions in the region to establish itself as a forum for dialogue between decision-makers in South Asia, the United States, and NATO, and continues to “wage peace” in the region. These deliberations cover internal and external security, governance, trade, economic development, education, and other issues. The Center remains committed to working with stakeholders from the region itself, in addition to partners and experts in the United States and Europe to offer comprehensive analyses and practicable recommendations for policymakers.
Criteria & Eligibility
We encourage you to apply if you:
  • Are a newly established expert between 30-45 years of age
  • Have a vested interest in improving ties with the United States/Pakistan in your field of expertise
  • Are a citizen of either Pakistan or the United States, currently living in your country of citizenship
  • Are affiliated with an organization/network of individuals in your home country with whom you can share the knowledge and experience you have gained through the fellowship
  • Are able to communicate clearly and effectively in English.  US applicants with knowledge of Urdu or other Pakistani languages is a plus but not required
Applications will be evaluated on the following criteria: 
  • Established area of  expertise
  • Demonstrated interest in US-Pakistan relations
  • Potential for continued engagement after the fellowship
  • Quality of response to essays and short answers
  • Letters of recommendations/references
Failure to adhere to application guidelines will disqualify your application for consideration. 
Application Instructions
In order to apply for this opportunity, the following forms and documents must be submitted: