Indo-Pacific Japan Korea United States and Canada
In-Depth Research & Reports January 5, 2023

US-ROK-Japan Trilateral Cooperation

By Atlantic Council

This Trilateral Cooperation Policy Portfolio seeks to offer actionable and practical policy recommendations for stakeholders in Washington, Tokyo, and Seoul aimed at enhancing security and prosperity, upholding common values, and bolstering the rules-based order in the Indo-Pacific region. We welcome you to stay tuned for upcoming reports, as part of this effort, coming in 2023.

Issue Brief

Dec 20, 2022

A next-generation agenda for US-ROK-Japan cooperation

By Lauren D. Gilbert, Kyoko Imai

Trilateral cooperation among the United States, Japan, and South Korea has proved challenging over the years, owing largely to historical tensions. As a result, this project has sought perspectives from next-generation leaders of the three countries to define areas where targeted, flexible, and informal cooperative arrangements can provide clear mutual benefit to all.

Coronavirus East Asia

Indo-Pacific Security Initiative

The Indo-Pacific Security Initiative works with US, allied, and partner governments and other key stakeholders to shape strategies and policies to mitigate the most important rising security challenges facing the region, including China’s growing threat to the international order and North Korea’s destabilizing nuclear weapons advancements. IPSI also addresses opportunities for cooperation in the region, such as transforming regional security architectures, harnessing emerging technologies, and developing new mechanisms for deterrence and defense cooperation.