Newsweek quotes Nonresident Senior Fellow Richard LeBaron on the next steps in Congress, as President Obama works to earn approval of the Iran Nuclear Deal, both at home and abroad:
One of the country’s biggest skeptics of the United States also happens to be Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who has the final word on the accord. Even if he accepts Iran’s concessions as a necessary evil to win sanctions relief, experts question whether the deal will lead to a broader thaw in relations between Washington and Tehran. “The short term is going to be very hard,” Richard LeBaron, a retired senior diplomat, tells Newsweek, referring the risks facing the agreement in both countries over the coming months. “There are going to be a lot of nervous conservatives, and they’re going to push back.”
The deal now comes under the microscope of Congress, which has sixty days to review its provisions before a possible vote of disapproval. During that time, Obama is constrained by law from lifting any sanctions on Iran.