WASHINGTON – The Atlantic Council is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Sabine Freizer as nonresident senior fellow with the Dinu Patriciu Eurasia Center and Program on Transatlantic Relations. Dr. Freizer will add substantially to the Council’s expertise on the Caucasus, Balkans, Turkey, and Central Asia. From a base in Istanbul, she will provide writing, analysis, and project support, and work with Eurasia Center Director Ambassador Ross Wilson and Council Vice President and Director of the Transatlantic Relations Program Fran Burwell, to develop new initiatives to advance transatlantic ties, as well as cooperation and integration between countries of the region.

“This appointment reflects the Atlantic Council’s commitment to doing influential work on regions and countries in transition crucial to the advancement of US and transatlantic interests,” said Frederick Kempe, Atlantic Council president and CEO. “We are delighted that Dr. Freizer has decided to join the Council and look forward to her continued leadership in the region and in policy debates about it in the United States, Europe, and the region’s countries themselves.”

Dr. Freizer brings to the Atlantic Council twenty years of experience on Southeastern Europe and Eurasia. She served as Caucasus project director and then Europe program director for the International Crisis Group between 2004 and May 2013. She worked previously for the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in Georgia, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, and Bosnia. She has a PhD from the London School of Economics and a master’s from the College of Europe (Bruges). She has written extensively on governance and rule of law issues, civil society development, conflict prevention and resolution, and regularly conducted high level advocacy on policy questions in Brussels, European capitals and the United States.

The Dinu Patriciu Eurasia Center was established in 2009 to be the focus of the Council’s work on political, economic, energy, and other issues across Eurasia and in Turkey. Its flagship activity is the Atlantic Council Energy & Economic Summit that each November in Istanbul brings together policy, business, and energy leaders from governments, corporations, and civil society organizations around the world.  

The Program on Transatlantic Relations promotes dialogue on major issues affecting the transatlantic partnership and the ability of the United States and Europe to respond to global challenges. A key focus is its Completing Europe Whole and Free project that seeks to reinvigorate the policy debate in Washington and Europe about advancing Euro-Atlantic integration and democratic reforms in the Western Balkans and the European neighborhood by organizing activities focused on the economic and political choices facing the region. The Wroclaw Global Forum that it leads for the Council will take place on June 13-14 in Poland.


The Atlantic Council is a nonpartisan organization that promotes constructive US leadership and engagement in international affairs based on the central role of the Atlantic community in meeting today’s global challenges. 

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