The Atlantic Council, through its Global Energy Center and Dinu Patriciu Eurasia Center, is working on critical global and regional energy challenges. As a joint initiative of these Centers, the Eurasian Energy Futures Initiative covers energy issues ranging from natural gas developments to exploiting renewable energy resources that are of crucial importance from a transatlantic and even global perspective. Europe’s growing dependence on imports, its relationship with energy supplier countries such as Russia and Azerbaijan, and transit states such as Ukraine, affect the security and prosperity of wider Eurasia and influence a range of strategic issues from EU-Russia relations, to Turkey’s role and position in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. Trends and disruptive factors such as the fallout of the Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan, increasing self-reliance on fossil fuels in the United States, ever-rising demand for energy in Southeast Asia, and the promise and perils of shale gas in Europe and Eurasia will be analyzed to provide secure, affordable, and sustainable energy for consumers, while ensuring a responsible and fair sharing of the benefits in the producer countries.
The Atlantic Council assembled a group of experts with wide-ranging experience and backgrounds in government, academia, think tanks, and industry. The Initiative’s team helps decision-makers engage with stakeholders from industry, government, and NGOs and chart a course for sustainable development and trade of global energy resources. By working together with key political leaders, thinkers, analysts, and the top industry players in the United States, Europe, and Eurasia, the Initiative leads a strategic debate on the future of energy markets, produces content, and organizes roundtable discussions, strategy sessions, workshops, Track II dialogues, and multi-day conferences on strategic Eurasian energy issues.