Ahmed AliAhmed Ali is Director of the Iraq Security and Humanitarian Monitor at the Education for Peace in Iraq Center and a Senior Fellow at the Institute of Regional and International Studies at the American University of Iraq–Sulaimani. |
Lt. Gen. Michael BarberoMichael Barbero served in Iraq as the Deputy Chief of Staff, Strategic Operations at Multi-National Force–Iraq during “the surge” in 2007 and 2008, alongside General David Petraeus. |
Ben Connable
Toby DodgeToby Dodge is Director of the Middle East Centre at The London School of Economics and Political Science, a professor of international relations, and author of Iraq: From War to a New Authoritarianism. |
Sarhang Hamasaeed
Kawa Hassan
Sajad Jiyad
Dr. Ra’ad Al-KadiriDr. Ra’ad Al-Kadiri is Managing Director for Petroleum Sector Risk at IHS Energy. Al-Kadiri previously served as a policy advisor and Assistant Private Secretary to the UK Special Representatives to Iraq (2003-04) and as a senior policy advisor to Her Majesty’s Ambassador in Baghdad from 2006 to 2007. Al-Kadiri’s degrees include an MPhil and an MA from the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, and a Doctor of Philosophy in International Relations from St. Antony’s College at Oxford University. |
Nibras KazimiNibras Kazimi is a Visiting Scholar at the Hudson Institute and author of the incisive blog on Iraq politics, originally titled ‘Talisman Gate’, and re-launched as ‘Talisman Gate, Again’. |
Dr. Michael KnightsMichael Knights is a Lafer Fellow at The Washington Institute for Near East Policy and a globally recognized expert on Iraqi military affairs, a subject on which he has worked intensively for over a decade. |
Denise Natali
Dr. Douglas OllivantDouglas Ollivant is former Director of Iraq for the National Security Council, a role he served in both the Bush and Obama administrations, and he was a leading figure in the construction of a counterinsurgency strategy in Iraq. |
Dr. Kenneth Pollack
Dr. Harith al-Qarawee
Hussain QaragholiHussain Qaragholi is an investment banker focused on Iraq and the Northern Gulf. He was part of the core team that successfully restructured the 22 billion USD Saddam-era commercial claims. Hussain was Honorary Economic Advisor to the Governor of Basrah. He is on the board of the RAND Corporation’ Centre for Middle East Public Policy. |
Nathaniel RabkinNathaniel Rabkin is Managing Editor of Inside Iraqi Politics. He worked in Iraq for twenty-one months during the 2008 to 2011 period, first as a translator and interpreter for the US military, and later as a Human Terrain Analyst for the Pentagon. He has an MA in Middle Eastern studies from the University of Haifa. |
Professor Gareth StansfieldGareth Stansfield is Professor of Middle East Politics and Chair of Arab Gulf Studies at the University of Exeter, and Senior Associate Fellow at the Royal United Services Institute. He is one of the world’s leading experts on Iraqi Kurdistan. |
Christine Van Den ToornChristine Van Den Toorn is Director of the Institute for Regional and International Studies at the American University of Iraq–Sulaimani, and a specialist in Iraq’s disputed territories. |
Nils Wörmer