9:30-10:30 am EST (4:30-5:30 pm EET)

View agenda updates at  http://www.acsummit.org/about-the-summit/agenda/

Moderated by:

John Lyman, Director, Energy and Environment Program, Atlantic Council


Fatih Birol, Chief Economist, International Energy Agency
Jason Bordoff
, Professor and Director, Center on Global Energy Policy, Columbia University
Francesco Starace, CEO, Enel Green Power
Guy Turner, Chief Economist and Director of Commodity Research, Bloomberg New Energy Finance

Rising energy costs and the imperatives of remaining competitive in a rapidly changing world require countries and businesses to find ways to improve the intensity of energy utilization. Global climate concerns raise many issues, perhaps especially in fast-growing emerging markets, about carbon emissions and how to reduce them. What are the best policies and practices for raising energy efficiency by businesses, households, and other consumers? What smart technologies have promise and why? What is the picture for financing investments in these areas, including through public-private partnerships? How can cross-border cooperation and energy market integration help?