5:00-6:00 am EST (12:00-1:00 pm EET)

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Moderated by:

Judy Dempsey, Editor-in-Chief “Strategic Europe,” Carnegie Endowment for International Peace


Elmar Brok, Chair, Foreign Affairs Committee, European Parliament
Zlatko Lagumdžija, Deputy Chair of the Council of Ministers and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Hannes Swoboda, Leader of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats, European Parliament
Damon Wilson, Executive Vice President, Atlantic Council

The world now seems poised at an inflection point full of risk for Europe. Advocates still believe that the European Union is mankind’s greatest peace project, but political and social cohesion remains under threat, potential EU accession candidates and partners to the east see ambiguity in Brussels, and Europe’s global role seems in doubt to many. How do Europeans regard the tectonic shifts taking place in world affairs, and what is their reaction? Will integration centered in Brussels seem in coming years to be more inward looking, if not parochial, to its immediate neighbors and new players in the Far East and South Asia, and what might that mean for the models of democracy and regional integration the European Union has represented? What strategies should the Europe pursue regionally and globally in light of very real limitations and constraints at home?