2:00-3:15 am EST (9:00-10:15 am EET)
View agenda updates at http://www.acsummit.org/about-the-summit/agenda/
Chaired by:
Orhan Taner, Director, Energy and Economic Summit, Atlantic Council
Presented by:
Fatih Birol, Chief Economist, International Energy Agency
Carlos Pascual, Special Envoy and Coordinator for International Energy Affairs, US Department of State
Dramatic changes in the world energy picture and global markets continue to unfold. Unconventional oil and gas development continues apace in the United States. What are the implications for the US economy, for major energy consuming nations, and for regional and global problems where the United States has continued to play a role in part because of its reliance on imported energy? What follow-on energy market and economic development issues will arise from changing patterns of production and consumption? Or, looked at the other way, what will converge natural gas prices globally, and how will that affect energy security and well-being?