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Sep 18, 2024

Stabilizing the US-China trade conflict

By Andrea Wong

Both China and the US can still find negotiation space for positive-sum outcomes which advance their economic and national security interests.

China Economy & Business


Sep 12, 2024

It’s not too early to start grading Jerome Powell’s historic tenure

By Josh Lipsky and Benjamin Lenain

Jerome Powell’s legacy hinges on his bold monetary actions during crises and how effectively these interventions will be unwound in the future.

Economy & Business Macroeconomics


Sep 6, 2024

The problems with the IMF surcharge system

By Hung Tran

The IMF’s surcharge system is doing more harm than good for borrowing countries and its justifications are facing new questions.

Economy & Business Financial Regulation


Aug 27, 2024

Going for gold: Does the dollar’s declining share in global reserves matter?

By Hung Tran

If gold—which has recently experienced a surge in purchases by many global central banks—is included in reserve asset portfolios, the share of the US dollar is smaller than what the IMF has highlighted.

Economy & Business International Financial Institutions


Aug 22, 2024

Why the next trade war with China may look very different from the last one

By Mrugank Bhusari

Far more countries share concerns over the impact of an expansion of Chinese exports. This time, they will likely target finished consumer goods over intermediary inputs.

China Economy & Business


Aug 14, 2024

Get ready for a volatile fall in the financial markets—but not necessarily a downturn

By Josh Lipsky, Alisha Chhangani

Between an election, the threat of conflict, and a slowing economy, there is likely to be more volatility in the months ahead. But volatility doesn’t mean a downturn—it just means there’s more uncertainty than usual. 

Economy & Business International Markets

Fintech Frontlines

Aug 12, 2024

Tech regulation requires balancing security, privacy, and usability 

By Karen Sowon, Giulia Fanti, JP Schnapper-Casteras

Good policy intentions can lead to unintended consequences when usability, privacy, and security are not balanced—policymakers must think like product designers to avoid these challenges.

Digital Policy East Africa


Aug 8, 2024

What exactly is a strategic bitcoin reserve?

By Ananya Kumar

Bringing bitcoin into mainstream use is not reason enough to create a strategic bitcoin reserve. 

Digital Currencies Economy & Business
French National Assembly with Olympic statues


Jul 26, 2024

What French economic policy may look like after the Olympics

By Charles Lichfield and Gustavo Romero

The snap parliamentary election in France produced no absolute majority, and negotiations on government formation have begun. As Macron’s centrists attempt to construct a broad coalition, what economic policies can they suggest to bring the center-left and center-right onside?

Economy & Business Elections


Jul 23, 2024

Key takeaways from China’s Third Plenum 2024

By Hung Tran

The communiqué of the Third Plenum of the CCP Central Committee lacks major policy initiatives to address the country’s near-term growth challenges.

China Economy & Business



Sep 18, 2024

Stabilizing the US-China trade conflict

By Andrea Wong

Both China and the US can still find negotiation space for positive-sum outcomes which advance their economic and national security interests.

China Economy & Business


Sep 12, 2024

It’s not too early to start grading Jerome Powell’s historic tenure

By Josh Lipsky and Benjamin Lenain

Jerome Powell's legacy hinges on his bold monetary actions during crises and how effectively these interventions will be unwound in the future.

Economy & Business Macroeconomics


Sep 6, 2024

The problems with the IMF surcharge system

By Hung Tran

The IMF's surcharge system is doing more harm than good for borrowing countries and its justifications are facing new questions.

Economy & Business Financial Regulation


Aug 27, 2024

Going for gold: Does the dollar’s declining share in global reserves matter?

By Hung Tran

If gold—which has recently experienced a surge in purchases by many global central banks—is included in reserve asset portfolios, the share of the US dollar is smaller than what the IMF has highlighted.

Economy & Business International Financial Institutions


Aug 22, 2024

Why the next trade war with China may look very different from the last one

By Mrugank Bhusari

Far more countries share concerns over the impact of an expansion of Chinese exports. This time, they will likely target finished consumer goods over intermediary inputs.

China Economy & Business


Aug 14, 2024

Get ready for a volatile fall in the financial markets—but not necessarily a downturn

By Josh Lipsky, Alisha Chhangani

Between an election, the threat of conflict, and a slowing economy, there is likely to be more volatility in the months ahead. But volatility doesn’t mean a downturn—it just means there’s more uncertainty than usual. 

Economy & Business International Markets

Fintech Frontlines

Aug 12, 2024

Tech regulation requires balancing security, privacy, and usability 

By Karen Sowon, Giulia Fanti, JP Schnapper-Casteras

Good policy intentions can lead to unintended consequences when usability, privacy, and security are not balanced—policymakers must think like product designers to avoid these challenges.

Digital Policy East Africa


Aug 8, 2024

What exactly is a strategic bitcoin reserve?

By Ananya Kumar

Bringing bitcoin into mainstream use is not reason enough to create a strategic bitcoin reserve. 

Digital Currencies Economy & Business
French National Assembly with Olympic statues


Jul 26, 2024

What French economic policy may look like after the Olympics

By Charles Lichfield and Gustavo Romero

The snap parliamentary election in France produced no absolute majority, and negotiations on government formation have begun. As Macron’s centrists attempt to construct a broad coalition, what economic policies can they suggest to bring the center-left and center-right onside?

Economy & Business Elections


Jul 23, 2024

Key takeaways from China’s Third Plenum 2024

By Hung Tran

The communiqué of the Third Plenum of the CCP Central Committee lacks major policy initiatives to address the country’s near-term growth challenges.

China Economy & Business