
GeoTech Cues

Dec 8, 2021

Postpandemic letdown and western disarray

By Mathew Burrows, Julian Mueller-Kaler, Kaisa Oksanen, and Ossi Piironen

After a spurt of inclusive growth, in which most segments saw gains, all the prepandemic structural problems resurfaced, particularly the inequalities that had grown worse under the pandemic.

China Cybersecurity


Dec 8, 2021

Europe in a bipolar tech world

By Mathew Burrows, Julian Mueller-Kaler, Kaisa Oksanen, and Ossi Piironen

With no sign of Beijing backing down, the US administration lays out a strategy for restructuring NATO to be targeted on Russia and China, combining its allies from Asia and Europe into an enlarged, redefined alliance.

China Cybersecurity

GeoTech Cues

Dec 8, 2021

Counting the costs of technonationalism and the balkanization of cyberspace

By Mathew Burrows, Julian Mueller-Kaler, Kaisa Oksanen, and Ossi Piironen

While it started as a well-meaning effort to prevent disinformation and propagation of violent extremism, the increasing regulation began to fracture the Internet into at least three largely separate regimes, reinforcing the forces of technonationalism and protectionism.

China Cybersecurity

GeoTech Cues

Oct 26, 2021

How public trust survives in the era of automation

By Borja Prado

Automation has the potential to displace millions of jobs, while creating new ones. Drastic shifts in the labor market should offer both hope and caution; they will impact each nation’s economy significantly, and alter the demand for skills in employees, but may also stir social structures and affect citizens’ trust in their respective governments, public institutions, and the private sector. How should global leaders react?

Future of Work Political Reform

GeoTech Cues

Oct 1, 2021

Building smarter military bases for climate resilient communities

By Kiran S. Jivnani, Inkoo Kang

To properly cope with climate-related dangers, the military must be able to future-proof its installations to defend themselves against twenty-first-century threats, specifically by capitalizing on the use of smart technologies.

Climate Change & Climate Action Security & Defense

GeoTech Cues

Sep 29, 2021

Reimagining a just society pt. 6: Our planetary condominium

By Carol Dumaine

Carol Dumaine's latest in a blog post series on "Reimagining a Just Society" recalls the tragic condo collapse in Florida last June and asks whether the commons elements of a typical condominium association suggest any parallels for understanding "global commons" or public goods in an age of pandemics, climate change and AI.

Climate Change & Climate Action Security & Defense

GeoTech Cues

Sep 28, 2021

Getting ahead of the next catalyst: A new paradigm for cybersecurity in the space domain

By Andrew LaBarbera and Jeremy Harchelroad

Consider the terms “cyber attacks”and” information and influence activities.” These two terms were relatively infrequently used before the computer malware Stuxnet and the 2016 US presidential election , respectively. Yet these events and the terms characterizing the emergence of new threats mark a threshold where a traditional […]


GeoTech Cues

Aug 25, 2021

Reimagining a just society pt. 5: “Is this working as intended?” — Global trends amid contested futures

By Carol Dumaine

The question of ‘is this working as intended’ is applicable to contemporary concepts of national and international security as well as of economic value, growth, and development. Given how our world is being reshaped by new technologies, data capabilities, and geopolitics, leaders in both the public and private sector need to pause and consider if governance and geopolitics in today’s world are actually working – or not.

Climate Change & Climate Action Security & Defense

GeoTech Cues

Aug 24, 2021

The case for a financial digital asset framework for cryptocurrencies

By Matthew Goodman and Nikhil Raghuveera

Clear jurisdictional boundaries, legislation on core principles of financial digital assets from Congress, and a flexible regulatory policy are all crucial for the effective governance of digital assets.

Digital Currencies Financial Regulation

GeoTech Cues

Aug 10, 2021

Contextualizing COVID-19 and its implications for the future of work

By Matthew Gavieta

As workers around the world adapted to a new normal amid a public health crisis, remote work took on a new meaning. However, questions about how to structure long-term telework arrangements remain. The current landscape of data reveals a tenuous relationship between well-being and telework. To secure a brighter future for our labor force, we must continue developing worker-centered technology policy and doing research on how to improve life at work.

Digital Policy Future of Work