
Future of Iraq Taskforce

Jun 6, 2017

The Role of Decentralization in Combatting Extremist Influence in Iraq

By Todd Diamond

Many governance experts see decentralization as a potential model to mitigate political and sectarian challenges in Syria, Libya, and Iraq and improve livelihoods in those countries by restoring basic services to local populations. But in countries with a long history of absolute control, central government officials frequently resist any reforms seen as weakening their influence, […]


Future of Iraq Taskforce

May 31, 2017

Atlantic Council’s Iraq Task Force Report Featured by the United States Institute of Peace

By Atlantic Council

Read the full article here.

Future of Iraq Taskforce

May 31, 2017

Atlantic Council Launches the Final Report of the Task Force on the Future of Iraq

By Atlantic Council

WASHINGTON, DC – The Atlantic Council releases today the report of the Task Force on the Future of Iraq chaired by Ambassador Ryan Crocker and convened by Senior Nonresident Fellow Dr. Nussaibah Younis.


Future of Iraq Taskforce

May 31, 2017

Amb. Ryan Crocker on the Future of Iraq Task Force Final Report

By Atlantic Council

Ambassador Ryan Crocker, Chair of the Task Force on the Future of Iraq points to the conclusion of the United States’ offensive in Mosul against the Islamic State (ISIS) saying, “We’ve got to focus on the fact that the Islamic State itself is not the problem, it’s the symptom of the problem.” 


Future of Iraq Taskforce

Feb 25, 2017

Younis Quoted by Politico on the Iraqi Reaction to President Trump’s Executive Order on Border Control

By Nussaibah Younis

Read full article here.


Future of Iraq Taskforce

Jul 28, 2016

Younis Joins NPR to Discuss the Lessons We Have Learned from the Iraq War

By Nussaibah Younis
