On Thursday, December 8, the Atlantic Council’s Africa Center launched two new publications on Eritrea. The first, Eritrea’s Economy: Ideology and Opportunity, authored by fragile states expert Seth Kaplan, examines the nexus between the ideology of Eritrea’s leadership and the country’s struggling economy. The second, Eritrea: Coming In from the Cold, authored by Africa Center Deputy Director Bronwyn Bruton, examines the US-Eritrean relationship and makes the case that now is the time for the US to reengage with Eritrea.
Africa Center Director J. Peter Pham welcomed participants to the panel discussion and introduced Bruton, who laid out the findings of her report before turning the microphone over to Kaplan. The following panel discussion featured Anthony Carroll, senior associate with the Center for Strategic and International Studies’ Africa Program and vice president of Manchester Trade Limited, and Dan Connell, visiting scholar at Boston University’s African Studies Center. The event concluded with a question and answer session with the government.