Event from week of June 24, 2022

Last week, the Delegation of the European Union to the United States hosted the EU-US Defense and Future Forum in partnership with the Atlantic Council Europe Center. The forum featured policymakers and experts from both sides of the Atlantic who explored the EU-US relationship and how it can further strengthen our collective prosperity and security.

Vladimir Putin has challenged not just the sovereignty of Ukraine, but the entire security architecture that Europe and the United States, together with countries all over the world, set up after World War II.

Stavros Lambrinidis
Ambassador, European union to the United states

In terms of the information sharing, it has been extraordinary. I think I would say it’s unprecedented… European allies, partners, and the United States were really talking on a very consistent basis about how we thought this situation might come to fruition.

mara karlin
Assistant secretary of defense for strategy, plans, and capabilities, US department of defense

The Europe Center promotes leadership, strategies, and analysis to ensure a strong, ambitious, and forward-looking transatlantic relationship.