Please join the US Department of Energy, the City of Split, Croatia, and the Atlantic Council Global Energy Center for the launch of a new initiative, Alliance for Green Cities, under the Partnership for Transatlantic Energy and Climate Cooperation (P-TECC) on March 3, 2023 in Split, Croatia at the Hrvatski Dom (Tončićeva ul. 1, 21000, Split, Croatia).
In recognizing cities as critical opportunities for synergistic decarbonization solutions, the Alliance for Green Cities will convene municipal and regional officials in the US and Europe to leverage collaboration to advance the understanding of the role of cities in directly combating climate change through innovative and integrated approaches to decarbonization through the development of enabling policies, incentives, and technological solutions. Cities play a significant role in a greener future, particularly through efforts to cut carbon emissions by upgrading inefficient energy management systems and obsolete technologies across the spectrum of urban activities, including land use, transportation, building design and operation, and waste management, among others.
The Alliance for Green Cities will convene municipal and regional authorities, who are best placed to understand local conditions, set priorities, and implement actions to improve efficiencies, and provide them with access to the technical expertise of the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Laboratories and peer-to-peer outreach with cities and state authorities in the United States. Participants will closely collaborate on developing municipal investment plans, modernization of infrastructure, capacity building, enabling policies, investment analysis and other measures which are needed to develop short and long-term pathways to a cleaner and greener energy future.
For any further questions on in-person attendance, contact Maia Sparkman at Please note this event is in-person only. Register now!
About P-TECC: P-TECC is a US Department of Energy-led multilateral initiative that focuses on the rapid decarbonization of Central and Eastern European economies, helping strengthen energy security in the region, create business connections with U.S. companies, and foster cooperation. P-TECC comprises 24 countries in Central and Eastern Europe and is complementary to the Three Seas Initiative with its focus on energy infrastructure, interconnection, and security. Additional details about P-TECC can be found here.

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Raddison Blu Hotel & Spa
Put Trstenika 19, 21000, Split, Croatia
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The Global Energy Center develops and promotes pragmatic and nonpartisan policy solutions designed to advance global energy security, enhance economic opportunity, and accelerate pathways to net-zero emissions.