Event Recap

The Freedom and Prosperity Center, in partnership with Center for International Private Enterprise and the Heritage Foundation, held a panel discussion at the National Press Club on November 2.

Panelists representing six different think tanks analyzed China and Taiwan’s performances in key country indexes. The panelists included Dan Negrea of the Atlantic Council’s Freedom and Prosperity Center discussing the Freedom and Prosperity Indexes; Eric Hontz of CIPE discussing the Corruption Risk Forecast; Sarah Cook of Freedom House discussing the Global Freedom Index; Tea Trumbic of the World Bank discussing the Women, Business, and the Law Index; and Anthony Kim of Heritage discussing the Index of Economic Freedom.

Andrew Wilson of CIPE introduced the panel and David Shullman of the Atlantic Council’s Global China Hub served as the moderator.

Senior Director Dan Negrea analyzed China and Taiwan’s performances on the Freedom and Prosperity Indexes. Pointing to historical data, Negrea discussed trends in economic growth in free Taiwan and unfree China, demonstrating how the different approaches to governance have affected prosperity to this day.

“Can a country without political freedom maintain economic prosperity when you introduce the arbitrariness of a government that is unelected?”

Dan Negrea, Senior Director, Freedom and Prosperity Center

After the five panelists presented their Indexes, Moderator David Shullman opened the floor to questions from the audience. The event was open to the public, including members of the press, and participation was made available both in-person and online.

Original Event Text

The Atlantic Council’s Freedom and Prosperity Center invites you to join a panel discussion on Wednesday, November 2, from 2:30-4:00pm ET on China and Taiwan’s performances in key development indexes.

Do countries need freedom to achieve prosperity? Do democracies or autocracies have the better answers to the aspirations of the peoples of the world? Our panelists manage country indexes that measure key aspects of a nation’s well-being. They discuss how China and Taiwan fare in their indexes and what this tells us about the contrasting development models they represent. In-person attendees will have the opportunity to engage with speakers and ask questions.

This discussion will be held in person at the the National Press Club at 529 14th St NW in Washington DC and via Zoom. The event is open to the press and on-the-record.

Live stream viewers may submit questions via email. Light refreshments will be served.

A conversation with

Tea Trumbic
Women, Business, and the Law Index
World Bank Group

Eric Hontz
Corruption Risk Forecast
CIPE Center for Accountable Investment

Dan Negrea
Freedom and Prosperity Indexes
Atlantic Council

Sarah Cook
Global Freedom Index
Freedom House

Anthony Kim
Index of Economic Freedom
Heritage Foundation

Moderated by

David Shullman
Global China Hub
Atlantic Council

The Freedom and Prosperity Center aims to increase the prosperity of the poor and marginalized in developing countries and to explore the nature of the relationship between freedom and prosperity in both developing and developed nations.

The Global China Hub researches and devises allied solutions to the global challenges posed by China’s rise, leveraging and amplifying the Atlantic Council’s work on China across its sixteen programs and centers.