As part of the 2022 Atlantic Council Global Energy Forum, the Atlantic Council Global Energy Center and Clean Air Task Force are excited to host two private workshops exploring the development and deployment of hydrogen and carbon capture technologies, respectively, in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). These workshops will be held both in person, at the Grosvenor House in Dubai, and virtually over Zoom.
To join in person: Please register for the Forum using code GEF2022WKSHP.
To join virtually: Please register below to receive Zoom information.
These workshops are private, off-the-record events, and the Chatham House rule applies. They will be held on the web application Zoom, which is accessible through your web browser, the Zoom desktop or mobile app, and by phone. Please register below to receive the Zoom information for the event.
Workshop I: Developing a hydrogen economy in the Middle East and North Africa region
Developing countries—from Brazil to Oman—have signaled their intention to make hydrogen a key part of their energy futures, but the resources available for the development of a hydrogen economy, as well as the envisaged roles that the fuel can play, vary significantly both within and across regions. Some regions or countries may look to become hydrogen exporters and leverage significant production resources and growing global demand to spur economic development at home, while other countries may look to use the fuel—whether produced domestically or imported—to decarbonize their own hard-to-abate industries, particularly transportation, heavy industry, or fertilizers. This first regional workshop will engage industry stakeholders and policymakers from the UAE, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia—along with those from the United States and Europe—to discuss the opportunities and challenges to hydrogen development in the region, broader hydrogen trade, and international cooperation on hydrogen development.
Workshop II: The role of CCUS in MENA net zero ambitions
Increasingly acknowledged as foundational to a successful energy transition, carbon capture and storage (CCUS) technology has gathered considerable global momentum in recent years. CCUS presents an opportunity to address climate goals while promoting economic activity, an attractive offer for the energy-abundant, yet emissions-intensive MENA region that looks to play a role in meeting global climate targets. What is the status of CCUS deployment in the region, and what role does it play in advancing the regional energy transition? What partnership models in the CCUS supply chain are successful, both in the MENA region and elsewhere?