
Challenges to democracy and governance are on display across the Americas. According to a 2021 AmericasBarometer study, regional satisfaction with democracy has dropped from a high of 57 percent in 2012 to 43 percent in 2021. With the ninth Summit of the Americas fast approaching, how can the region rethink its approach to democracy? How can countries across the Americas work together to ensure that democracy delivers for all?

As part of a new partnership with the US Department of State, the Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center is bringing together regional organizations to advance an inclusive conversation on the importance of democracy and good governance in anticipation of the ninth Summit of the Americas. 

Join us to actively participate in a virtual conversation, “Road to the Summit: New Opportunities for a More Inclusive Americas” on Tuesday, November 30, 2021, from 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. (ET). Speakers and audience members will share ideas on how democracies can better deliver for people in the Americas and create more opportunities for women and underserved populations. All participants will have the option to submit questions and comments prior to and during this interactive event. 

Learn more about our Road to the Summit campaign here.

Simultaneous interpretation in English, Spanish, and Portuguese will be available for Zoom attendees, as will closed captioning in English.


Camino a la Cumbre: Nuevas oportunidades para una América más inclusiva

Los desafíos a la democracia y la gobernanza están más presentes que nunca, con cuatro elecciones ocurriendo en la región este mes. Según la encuesta de Latinobarómetro de 2021 la satisfacción con la democracia ha disminuido de 57 por ciento en 2012 a 43 por ciento en 2021. Con la llegada de la novena cumbre de las Américas, ¿cómo puede la región repensar el rol de la democracia? ¿Cómo pueden los países del hemisferio colaborar para asegurar que la democracia funcione para todos?

Únete al Atlantic Council y al centro para América Latina Adrienne Arsht el martes 30 de noviembre entre las 9:00 – 10:30 de la mañana ET (horario Washington DC) para una conversación virtual, “Camino a la Cumbre: Nuevas oportunidades para una América más inclusiva.” El evento se enfocará en cómo las democracias pueden cumplir sus compromisos con los ciudadanos de las Américas y crear más oportunidades para mujeres y poblaciones vulnerables en sistemas de gobernanza. Este evento virtual es el primero en una serie realizada en colaboración con el Departamento de Estado estadounidense rumbo a la novena Cumbre de las Américas.

Se ofrecerán servicios de traducción en inglés, español y portugués, además de subtítulos en inglés, para los oyentes via Zoom.


Opening Remarks

Kevin O’Reilly
Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs,
US National Summit of the Americas Coordinator

US Department of State


Key Challenges and New Solutions to Democracy

Claudia Umaña Araujo
Fundación Salvadoreña para el Desarrollo Económico y Social (FUSADES);
Former Special Ambassador for Trade Negotiations
Ministry of Economy of El Salvador

Alana Rizzo  
Government Affairs and Public Policy Manager, Brazil and Emerging Markets  

Cecilia Vilchis
Program Manager
Young Americas Business Trust (YABT)


Carla Angola 
EVTV Miami 

The Role of Women in Safeguarding Democracy

H.E. Erika Mouynes
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Republic of Panama

Ambassador Niermala Badrising
Former Ambassador to the United States
Former Permanent Representative to the Organization of American States
Republic of Suriname

Ambassador Isadora Zubillaga
Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and Special Envoy to France
Interim Government of Venezuela

Dr. Tamika Peart
Director, National Shelter Program
Ministry of Culture, Gender, Entertainment, and Sport


Diego Area
Deputy Director, Strategic Development
Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center
Atlantic Council

Closing Remarks

María Celina Ramos-Conte
Director of the Summits of the Americas Secretariat
Organization of American States

*More speakers to be announced


Submit your ideas and questions to inform the Summit of the Americas

The Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center broadens understanding of regional transformations and delivers constructive, results-oriented solutions to inform how the public and private sectors can advance hemispheric prosperity.

In partnership with

US Department of State
Summit of the Americas Secretariat
Caribbean Policy Research Institute
Florida International University