On April 22, 2021, the Atlantic Council IN TURKEY hosted Turkey’s Ambassador to the United States Murat Mercan for a private meeting and discussion with Atlantic Council experts and leaders to discuss US-Turkey relations and regional issues at the Council’s headquarters in Washington, D.C. Atlantic Council President and CEO Frederick Kempe delivered introductory remarks for the discussion which was moderated by Atlantic Council IN TURKEY Senior Director Defne Arslan.

From left: H.E. Murat Mercan, Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey to the United States; Frederick Kempe, President and CEO, Atlantic Council

The conversation centered largely around US-Turkey relations and the newly-appointed Ambassador’s efforts to advance bilateral discussion on key issues. Participants also discussed regional issues related to Turkey including the war in Syria, gas in the Eastern Mediterranean, Russia-Turkey relations and Libya.

From left: Frederick Kempe, President and CEO, Atlantic Council; H.E. Murat Mercan, Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey to the United States; Defne Arslan, Senior Director, Atlantic Council IN TURKEY, Atlantic Council

The Atlantic Council in Turkey, which is in charge of the Turkey program, aims to promote and strengthen transatlantic engagement with the region by providing a high-level forum and pursuing programming to address the most important issues on energy, economics, security, and defense.