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The Atlantic Council Global Energy Center is hosting a virtual event to discuss the launch of USAID’s new US-Europe Energy Bridge (the Bridge) initiative on November 10 at 9:00 a.m. EDT. Brock Bierman, USAID assistant administrator for Europe and Eurasia will provide the keynote address, followed by a short presentation by Dr. Steven Burns, chief, energy and infrastructure for USAID’s bureau for Europe and Eurasia. Subsequent to these remarks, an expert panel will discuss USAID’s evolving role in promoting energy security in Europe and Eurasia, with a focus on the next five years of the Bridge initiative. The panel will be moderated by Ambassador Richard Morningstar, founding chairman at the Atlantic Council Global Energy Center.

Keynote remarks

Brock Bierman, Assistant Administrator, Europe and Eurasia, USAID

Technical presentation

Dr. Steven Burns, Chief, Energy and Infrastructure, Europe and Eurasia, USAID

Panel discussion

Jane Amilhat, Deputy Head of Unit B1, Directorate-General for Energy, European Commission

Viktor Andonov, Energy Advisor to the Prime Minister, Government of the Republic of North Macedonia

Dr. Steven Burns, Chief, Energy and Infrastructure, Europe and Eurasia, USAID

Dr. Robert F. Ichord Jr., Senior Fellow, Atlantic Council Global Energy Center

William Polen, Senior Director, United States Energy Association (USEA)

Moderated by

Ambassador Richard L. Morningstar, Founding Chairman, Atlantic Council Global Energy Center

The Bridge is the next stage of USAID’s energy sector assistance—this over $90 million initiative will connect European and Eurasian energy sector stakeholders with the financing, technological, and operational expertise necessary to address significant critical infrastructure investment and management needs. Simultaneously, the Bridge will position US technology and services as a counterbalance to the efforts of malign actors in the region. The Bridge builds on decades of USAID efforts to improve the Europe and Eurasia region’s energy security, while advancing US national security and commercial interests.

Learn more about the Global Energy Center

The Global Energy Center develops and promotes pragmatic and nonpartisan policy solutions designed to advance global energy security, enhance economic opportunity, and accelerate pathways to net-zero emissions.