Please join the Atlantic Council on Wednesday, February 1 from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. for an online video conversation with Hariri Center experts Mohamed Eljarh, Faysal Itani, and Tarek Radwan about what overall strategy and policy changes towards the Middle East the new US administration should adopt. Joyce Karam of Al-Hayat will moderate the discussion.  


Mr. Mohamed Eljarh 
Nonresident Fellow, Rafik Hariri Center for the Middle East
Atlantic Council

Mr. Faysal Itani
Senior Fellow, Rafik Hariri Center for the Middle East
Atlantic Council

Mr. Tarek Radwan 
Nonresident Fellow, Rafik Hariri Center for the Middle East
Atlantic Council

Moderated by

Ms. Joyce Karam
Washington Bureau Chief

Al-Hayat President Donald Trump will confront an array of difficult choices as he and his administration consider how to address the conflicts in the Middle East that continue to threaten global stability. Please join us for an interactive online video discussion with Hariri Center experts Mohamed Eljarh, Faysal Itani, and Tarek Radwan to examine what overall strategy the new Administration should pursue in the Middle East, what policy changes the new Administration should make, and other questions. Joyce Karam of Al Hayat will moderate the discussion.

Through our Rafik Hariri Center for the Middle East and Scowcroft Middle East Security Initiative, the Atlantic Council works with allies and partners in Europe and the wider Middle East to protect US interests, build peace and security, and unlock the human potential of the region.

On Twitter? Join the conversation @ACMideast using #ACMEST

Please note that this is an online only event. Please click here to watch.

Send us your questions for the panelists using #ACMEST! We’ll be collecting questions starting January 27 and live during the event.