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David O. Shullman was senior director of the Global China Hub at the Atlantic Council, where he led the council’s work on China.

Prior to joining the Atlantic Council, David was Senior Advisor at the International Republican Institute, where he oversaw the Institute’s work building the resilience of democratic institutions around the world against the influence of China, Russia, and other autocracies.

David served for nearly a dozen years as one of the US Government’s top experts on East Asia, most recently as Deputy National Intelligence Officer for East Asia on the National Intelligence Council (NIC) in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI). In this role David led the US intelligence community’s strategic analysis on East Asia, represented the IC in interagency policy meetings, and advised senior White House and Cabinet officials. Prior to joining the NIC, David was a senior analyst at the Central Intelligence Agency. He has been an adjunct senior fellow with the Center for a New American Security, an adjunct professor at Georgetown University, and an advisor on China for the Biden campaign.

David has offered testimony on China topics before subcommittees of both houses of Congress and publishes regularly in outlets including Foreign Affairs, War on the Rocks and the Washington Post. David’s analysis has been featured in the Financial Times, the New York Times, USA Today, and Politico, among others, and he has provided commentary for broadcast media outlets such as CNN, SkyNews, NPR, and Bloomberg Radio.

David earned his PhD in Political Science from UCLA, a MALD from the Fletcher School, and a BA from Georgetown.