Pablo Breuer is currently the CISO of Helm Services. He is a twenty-two year veteran of the US Navy with tours that include military director of US Special Operations Command Donovan Group and senior military advisor and innovation officer to SOFWERX, the National Security Agency, and US Cyber Command as well as being the Director of C4 at US Naval Forces Central Command. He is a DoD Cyber Cup and Defcon Black Badge winner and has been faculty at the Naval Postgraduate School, National University, California State University Monterey Bay, as well as a Visiting Scientist at Carnegie Mellon CERT/SEI. He has taught classes for various US government agencies and industry on topics ranging from malware reverse engineering and exploit development to cyber policy and authorities. Pablo is also a cofounder of the Cognitive Security Collaborative and coauthor of the Adversarial Misinformation and Influence Tactics and Techniques (AMITT) framework.