In the News April 13, 2020

Charai in The Hill: Don’t despair America, you are stronger than you know

By Atlantic Council

While economists and investors rightly worry about the health of the US economy once quarantine ends, a more dangerous depression is revealing itself on America’s social media screens: a public loss of confidence in America itself and its unique place in the world. This nagging fear, the evidence shows, is wrongheaded. If anything, America will emerge stronger and better, in both economic and geostrategic terms. Read Atlantic Council Board Director Ahmed Charai’s latest in The Hill on America’s strength in the face of the coronavirus.

Ahmed Charai is a Moroccan publisher and an Atlantic Council Board Director. He is also an international counselor of the Center for a Strategic and International Studies and a member of the Advisory Board of The Center for the National Interest in Washington and the Advisory Board of Gatestone Institute in New York.

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