This week, senior vice president and Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security director Barry PaveI was quoted in articles by the Wall Street Journal, Defense One, Telemundo, and ABC News.
In the Wall Street Journal article, titled, “Ukrainian forces try to hold Mariupol as combat reaches city streets,” Pavel comments on the effects of a Russian bridge to Crimea completed in 2018 on military supply lines and force projection. In the Defense One commentary, titled, “It’s time for a protected humanitarian airlift into Lviv,” he writes with Phillip Breedlove to advocate for an air corridor to Ukraine along the lines of similar airlifts to Georgia in 2008. In a BBC Mundo article, titled, “Biden travels to Europe amid mounting pressure to increase support for Ukraine,” Pavel notes the fine line the Biden administration must walk in Ukraine, and advises a more robust response. Finally, in an ABC News article titled, “Biden’s risk-averse approach to Russia could create greater threat, experts say,” he warns that a simplistic, timid US response could embolden Putin further.
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