A transatlantic charter of Afghanistan

The South Asia Center is the hub for the Atlantic Council’s analysis of the political, social, geographical, and cultural diversity of the region. ​At the intersection of South Asia and its geopolitics, SAC cultivates dialogue to shape policy and forge ties between the region and the global community.

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All In-Depth Research and Reports


Sep 27, 2022

Afghanistan under the Taliban: Regional recalibrations, challenges, and ways forward

By Hameed Hakimi

Despite the spectacular and unprecedented events following the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan in August 2021, the global spotlight steadily shifted away from the country.

Afghanistan Economy & Business

Issue Brief

Sep 9, 2022

Supporting Afghan refugees: A case for cultural sensitivity and humility in resettlement practices

By Halima Ahmadi-Montecalvo, Amanda Terry, Belquis Ahmadi

In recognition of the one-year anniversary of the Taliban retaking control of Afghanistan, the authors of this publication seek to raise awareness of the whole person needs of settled refugees in the United States by highlighting experiences of a number of newly resettled Afghan refugees.

Afghanistan Politics & Diplomacy


Jun 20, 2022

The case for a US-India digital handshake

By Atlantic Council US-India Digital Economy Task Force

This report advocates for a US-India “digital handshake” to overcome substantive and institutional barriers in US-India digital economic cooperation.

Digital Currencies Digital Policy
Mass of Afghan people standing in a crowd

Issue Brief

Jun 9, 2022

Lessons from Afghanistan for Western state-building in a multipolar world

By Abdul Waheed Ahmad and Dr. Gabriella Lloyd

The emergent multipolar world has created new challenges for Western liberal democratic diplomats and leaders. Among these challenges is how to continue to support developing allies in a political landscape where these allies are facing growing, existential threats from powerful, authoritarian anti-liberal states. 

Afghanistan Economy & Business

Issue Brief

Apr 19, 2022

E-commerce policy for a new digital India

By Anand Raghuraman

As India looks to revise its e-commerce frameworks, policymakers in Delhi have a unique opportunity to articulate core principles and processes that can deliver practical, inclusive, and durable policy solutions.

Digital Policy Economy & Business

Issue Brief

Apr 11, 2022

US-India economic integration: Towards an agenda for growing manufacturing and resilient supply chains

By Atman Trivedi, Katherine Hadda, Akhil Bery

China’s rise and COVID-19 have injected greater urgency into how the United States and India work together to attract global manufacturing and ensure greater supply-chain resiliency.

Economy & Business India

Issue Brief

Apr 8, 2022

Technology for social good

By Uzair Younus

Growing cooperation between the United States and India in the digital realm presents significant opportunities in terms of investment, job creation, and deeper trade linkages. Deeper technological cooperation can also make a significant impact on improving social outcomes, particularly as they relate to empowering local communities by democratizing access.

Digital Policy Economy & Business

Issue Brief

Mar 28, 2022

Pakistan: The next great infrastructure connector

By Ali Jehangir Siddiqui

Pakistan sits at the crossroads of the abundant resources of Central Asia and the Middle East, and the lucrative markets of China and India. It therefore has the potential to play a significant connecting role, one that enables broader regional interdependency while boosting domestic economic prospects.

Energy & Environment Energy Transitions

Issue Brief

Mar 21, 2022

Trading in US-India data flows: Prospects for cooperation in US-India data policy

By Justin Sherman

This issue brief details opportunities for cooperation and sources of contestation in US-India data policy. It then recommends that the United States and Indian governments convene bilateral dialogues focused narrowly on achieving tangible, near-term objectives on data policy.

Digital Policy Economy & Business

In-Depth Research & Reports

Feb 15, 2022

Realizing the promise and potential of “Web3” for Pakistan

By Uzair Younus

This paper is an initial attempt to frame debate about the Web3 ecosystem in Pakistan – which is a $100+ billion opportunity – and make recommendations on how policymakers should approach regulating this sector.

Digital Currencies Digital Policy