Ethiopian government officials provide briefing on the conflict in Tigray
On Tuesday, November 24, the Africa Center hosted a private roundtable with Ethiopian Attorney General H.E. Gedion Timothewos Hessebon (PhD), Senior Policy Advisor and Chief Trade Negotiator Mr. Mamo Mihretu, and Ambassador to the United States H.E. Fitsum Arega.
The event served as an opportunity to discuss the ongoing conflict in Ethiopia’s northern Tigray region between government-led forces and forces allied with the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF). The event was opened by Africa Center Director of Programs and Studies Ms. Bronwyn Bruton, followed by introductions from Africa Center Senior Fellow Mr. Gabriel Negatu and moderation by Africa Center Senior Fellow Mr. Cameron Hudson.
H.E. Gedion provided opening remarks to frame the conversation around the Ethiopian government’s strategy to reclaim TPLF strongholds in Tigray, following the attempted seizure of military assets by TPLF forces earlier this month. Participants, representing the US government, Congressional offices, think tanks, and not-for-profits, then directed questions to both H.E. Gedion and Mr. Mihretu about limiting civilian casualties in the region; the conflict’s economic impact on Ethiopia; coordination with humanitarian agencies; and repatriating refugees who fled to neighboring Sudan. Mr. Hudson concluded the discussion reflecting on hope for peace, stability, and justice while pledging to maintain regular discussions regarding Tigray under the auspices of the Atlantic Council.

The Africa Center works to promote dynamic geopolitical partnerships with African states and to redirect US and European policy priorities toward strengthening security and bolstering economic growth and prosperity on the continent.
Image: Ethiopian flags wave in Addis Ababa, 2013. (Flickr/John Iglar)