From March 11-12, the Atlantic Council and the World Energy Council hosted a workshop which focused on individual countries in East Central Europe to review the progress being made in refining best practices and in addressing environmental concerns and regulatory requirements within Europe.
This workshop aimed to inform regulators on the practices and techniques utilized in comparative jurisdictions to safely regulate unconventional gas resources. The conference featured sessions led by distinguished experts and regulators in the fields of unconventional drilling, water management, and unconventional extraction regulation.
Session 1
Session 2
- Frank Thompson: Understanding Organic Shale: Reservoir Quality and Completion Quality
- Nicolae Anastasiu: Unconventional Gas Resources: An Alternative for the Future
Session 3
- Bill Hunter: Best Practices in Unconventional (Shale) Well Cementing
- Christopher Green: Shale Hydraulic Fracturing: Drilling, Casing and Cementing Challenges & Technologies
Session 4
- Marian Rizea: Fracturarea Hidraulica abordare – tehnico ecologica
- Mike Moore: Infrastructure Investments and Economic Benefits
- Tom Murphy: Natural Gas from Shale: Landscape Impacts and Remediation
Session 5
- John Tintera: Texas: The Proven Model for Successful Regulation of Unconventional Reservoirs
- Mihai Silviu German: Romanian Petroleum Legal and Regulatory Framework From Existing Provisions to New Regulations: Unconventional Gas Developments
- Tony Grayling: Regulating Shale Gas Extraction: UK Experience to Date
Session 6
- Alexandru Patruti: Impactul explorarii si exploatarii gazelor de sist asupra bilantului apelor uzate din Romania
- Tom Murphy: New Natural Gas Production: Evolving Process, Mitigating Risk, Growing Benefit
Session 7
- Jim Ladlee: European Unconventional Gas Development: Impacts on Communities
- Ionut Purica: Schimbări climatice si efecte asupra economiei românești
- Christopher Green: Shale Hydraulic Fracturing: Minimising Impacts on Communities (Responsible & Sustainable Development)
Media Mentions
Expert: Shale Gas Needs to be Part of Romania’s Energy Strategy | Natural Gas Europe