As the global community continues to grapple with the coronavirus (COVID-19), the Atlantic Council is open for business. Our business, meetings, and events, however, are occurring virtually. For more information, please read an update from our President and CEO.

An #ACFrontPage Event

Atlantic Council Front Page is our premier live ideas platform for global leaders to discuss the defining challenges of our time. #ACFrontPage is a high-level event series featuring top newsmakers across multiple digital platforms. Harnessing the convening power and expertise of the Council’s sixteen programs and centers, #ACFrontPage leverages the Council’s capabilities in social media, press, and digital outreach to spotlight the world’s most prominent leaders and the most compelling ideas across sectors and engage new audiences eager for nonpartisan and constructive solutions to current global challenges. This widely promoted program features the Council’s most important guests and content serving as the highlight of our programming.

The Atlantic Council’s Europe Center is delighted to invite you to a high-level conversation with President of the Republic of Kosovo Vjosa Osmani, on Wednesday, June 9, 2021, 8:30 a.m. – 9:15 a.m. (ET) / 14:30 hrs –15:15 hrs (CEST).

More than a decade after its declaration of independence, the Republic of Kosovo continues to face a set of challenges, both at home and on its path toward integration in the Euro-Atlantic community and its core institutions of the European Union and NATO. While all Kosovars broadly agree on where they want to see their country end up, there remain significant barriers to achieving these goals. While daunting challenges like high youth unemployment, a sluggish economy, corruption, and polarized politics dominate at home, relations with Serbia loom large over almost all foreign policy concerns.

President Osmani will join the Council for a candid conversation about Kosovo’s priorities and her agenda for achieving them. What role can the Biden Administration play alongside its EU allies in helping firmly anchor Kosovo in the Euro-Atlantic community? What are Kosovo’s expectations for the upcoming Berlin Process Summit? What is the outlook for the Belgrade-Priština Dialogue? And what opportunities does Kosovo see to promote post-pandemic recovery through regional economic cooperation?

This discussion is part of the Europe Center’s #BalkansForward Initiative, a coordinated effort to foster a democratic, secure, and prosperous Western Balkans firmly integrated into the Euro-Atlantic community.

The Europe Center is pleased to present this live event as part of the Atlantic Council’s #ACFrontPage event series, our premier ideas platform spotlighting global leaders and championing constructive solutions to global challenges. From publishing  timely commentary and analysis across the continent  to providing a  transatlantic platform for European leaders  driving the crisis response, the Europe Center is combining foreign policy, economic, and business expertise to help re-imagine the post COVID-19 world. 

This conversation will take place on Zoom and will be broadcast on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. To receive the event information, please register using the button above. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information on how to watch the event. 

To participate in the Q&A with President Osmani please use the hashtag #ACFrontPage or submit questions to by Monday, June 7, 2021. 


H.E. Vjosa Osmani

President of the Republic of Kosovo

In conversation with

The Europe Center promotes leadership, strategies, and analysis to ensure a strong, ambitious, and forward-looking transatlantic relationship.