The Atlantic Council’s Eurasia Center and the New Lines Institute convene top experts for a report launch and discussion of the institute’s new report “Multilateral asset transfer: A proposal for ensuring reparations for Ukraine.” Top experts illuminate the legal power that nation states can exercise through their own domestic law to transfer $350 billion of frozen Russian assets toward reconstruction in Ukraine.
Amb. John Herbst
Senior Director, Eurasia Center
Atlantic Council
Philip Zelikow
Professor of History
University of Virginia;
Former Counselor of the United States Department of State
Yuliya Ziskina
Legal Counsel
Razom for Ukraine
Moderated by
Azeem Ibrahim
Senior Director
New Lines Institute
issue spotlight

Europe in crisis
War in Ukraine
Experts from across the Atlantic Council are assessing the consequences of Russia’s February 2022 invasion, including what it means for Ukraine’s sovereignty, Europe’s security, and the United States’ leadership.

The Eurasia Center’s mission is to promote policies that strengthen stability, democratic values, and prosperity in Eurasia, from Eastern Europe in the West to the Caucasus, Russia, and Central Asia in the East.