On March 3, Ukraine confirmed its first case of the coronavirus. Twenty-one days later, the number of confirmed cases has increased to over 100, with every consecutive hour now bringing in at least one more confirmed case. Ukraine’s healthcare system badly needs improvements, and Ukraine’s economy is already fragile after President Zelenskyy’s recent government shakeup. How has the Ukrainian government has responded so far, what steps do authorities need to take, and what can Ukrainians expect as the outbreak progresses.

Dr. Ulana Suprun, former acting Minister of Health of Ukraine, Andrey Stavnitser, co-owner of TiS and coordinator for the coronavirus response in the Odesa region, and Yulia Kovaliv, deputy head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, get together to discuss how Ukraine’s government is handling the situation and what it still needs to do. The Atlantic Council’s Melinda Haring, deputy director of the Eurasia Center, moderates.


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