On May 1, Forward Defense Nonresident Senior Fellows Max Brooks and August Cole were featured on Essence of Wonder, a show bringing together distinctive perspectives to discuss ‘real world’ challenges, in a panel titled “Strategy strikes back: Star Wars and Modern Military Conflict.” Brooks and Cole discussed their book titled “Strategy Strikes Back: How Star Wars Explains Modern Military Conflict,” simplifying complex military strategy by using concepts from the well-known Star Wars saga.

The greatness of America was not winning wars…anyone can win wars…but winning the peace. We used to be the masters of that, understanding what it takes to have a second army behind the first army, with the first army winning the war and the second army winning the peace

Max Brooks and August Cole

Forward Defense, housed within the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, generates ideas and connects stakeholders in the defense ecosystem to promote an enduring military advantage for the United States, its allies, and partners. Our work identifies the defense strategies, capabilities, and resources the United States needs to deter and, if necessary, prevail in future conflict.

Related Experts: August Cole and Max Brooks