How did Britain fare in Biden’s summitry?

After the G7, NATO and US-EU summits launching Biden’s high-level engagement with Europe, Europe Center senior fellow Ben Judah explored how the UK had fared for this #BritainDebrief. To find out, he spoke to Julia Friedlander, C. Boyden Gray senior fellow & director of the GeoEconomic Center’s Economic Statecraft Initiative, and formerly a CIA analyst and director for the European Union, Southern Europe and Economic Affairs at the National Security Council.

Was the G7 a success? How did the UK fare as host? What kind of world order is emerging from these summits and is it favorable to London?

You can watch #BritainDebrief on YouTube and as a podcast on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.


The Europe Center promotes leadership, strategies, and analysis to ensure a strong, ambitious, and forward-looking transatlantic relationship.