Bellingcat, CNN, the Insider, and der Spiegel have produced an explosive investigative report on the elaborate FSB efforts to poison Alexei Navalny with a Novichok nerve agent. Navalny survived and has resumed his role as an active player, amplifying the identities of the team that allegedly worked to kill him and laying responsibility for the operation at Russian President Vladimir Putin’s feet—all while promising to return to Russia. All of this raises the question: Why does the Kremlin regard Navalny as so large a threat, and when was the line crossed to start plotting his death? What does a recovered and newly active Navalny mean for Russia’s politics, and how will Russia’s relationship change with key states such as Germany, where Navalny has been recuperating? Russia has long struggled to see a viable alternative to Vladimir Putin—is Navalny that alternative?
Bellingcat Lead Russia Investigator Christo Grozev details the key findings of the investigation, and is joined by investigative journalist and Deputy Editor Irina Borogan, Eurasia Center Nonresident Senior Fellow and Spycraft Entertainment CEO & Co-Founder John Sipher, and Joshua Yaffa, Moscow Correspondent for the New Yorker and author of Between Two Fires: Truth, Ambition, and Compromise in Putin’s Russia, to discuss the key implications of the Navalny report. Ambassador John Herbst, director of the Eurasia Center, moderates the conversation.
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