Annual Report July 21, 2020

IV. Annual Report 2019/2020: Financial Summary

By The Atlantic Council

2019 may have been the most successful year in the Atlantic Council’s six-decade existence. Here we set out the numbers and trends that have helped us grow into one of the world’s leading ideas organizations. 

ASSETS IN $000’S 2019 2018
Cash and cash equivalents $3,940 $4,521
Contributions, grands, and other receivable $47,544 $17,957
Prepaid expenses and other $589 $917
Fixed assets (net) $4,293 $4,486
Investments $25,657 $17,803
Total assets $25,657 $17,803
LIABILITIES IN $000’S 2019 2018
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities $2,979 $1,380
Capital lease obligation $264 $326
Refundable advance $115 $54
Deferred revenue $180 $34
Deferred rent $4,973 $5,202
Deferred compensation $232 $185
Total liabilities $8,744 $7,181
NET ASSETS IN $000’S 2019 2018
Without donor restrictions $3,153 $3,703
With donor restrictions $70,127 $34,800
Total net assets $73,279 $38,503
Statement of Financial Position December 31, 2019 (With Comparative Totals for December 31, 2018)

Diversity of Support

Over a Decade of Revenue and Net Asset Growth

We act with the conviction that none of our most significant international challenges can be addressed in national or institutional silos. Common cause has seldom been so vital.

Frederick Kempe, President & CEO, Atlantic Council

Read the full report:

Image: Unsplash/Frank Busch