About the project

In an already fragile Central African neighborhood, the Democratic Republic of the Congo—Africa’s second largest country by area, fourth largest by population, and potentially one of the richest countries on the continent with mineral reserves worth $24 trillion—stands at a vital juncture in its history.


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Jul 12, 2024

Integrating artisanal mining into the formal economy would benefit African miners and economies alike

By Sarah Way

Many artisanal and small-scale miners work informally and face harsh conditions. Here’s how the international community can help.

Africa Democratic Republic of the Congo


Jun 3, 2024

In a Congolese mining case, Biden can secure a win for US sanctions policy in Africa

By Benjamin Mossberg

Easing sanctions on Dan Gertler gives Washington the opportunity to show that its sanctions policy toward Africa can be effective.

Africa Corruption


Sep 27, 2022

Here’s what a Marshall Plan for the DRC could look like

By Jean-Paul Mvogo

The development progress the DRC witnessed in the 1970s is now lost. A massive economic assistance program equivalent to the Marshall Plan may be necessary to recover what’s been lost.

Africa Democratic Republic of the Congo


Sep 24, 2021

Make way for Wakanda: The UN Security Council needs an African seat

By Rama Yade

The Security Council was built on the principle of sovereignty and equality of all nations. Its democratization and reformation are overdue—and must consider Africa.

Africa Democratic Republic of the Congo

Event Recap

Jun 29, 2021

Prof. Séverine Autesserre says that it’s time for the peacekeeping community to ‘walk the walk’ when it comes to localized peacebuilding

By Africa Center

On Tuesday, June 29, the Africa Center convened a private event with award-winning author Professor Séverine Autesserre for a discussion on localized peacebuilding and her new book, The Frontlines of Peace.

Africa Democratic Republic of the Congo


Mar 29, 2021

Africa’s real strategic import for the green economy

By J. Peter Pham

Among its efforts to address climate change, the Biden administration has laid out an ambitious agenda for a clean energy revolution. This will require significant quantities of raw materials. And here the African continent has an important role to play.

Africa Democratic Republic of the Congo

Event Recap

Sep 3, 2020

Expert panel responds to incidents of North Korean sanctions evasion in the DRC

By Africa Center

On Thursday, September 3, the Africa Center hosted a virtual panel to discuss the latest report published by The Sentry: Overt Affairs: How North Korean Businessmen Busted Sanctions in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The Sentry’s Director of Illicit Finance Policy Ms. Hilary Mossberg provided opening remarks alongside Africa Center Director of Programs and Studies Ms. Bronwyn Bruton, […]

Africa Corruption

In the News

Jun 24, 2020

Englebert in Le Monde: Aujourd’hui comme sous Léopold II, le Congo reste la façade institutionnelle d’un voleur érigé en Etat

By Atlantic Council

Africa Democratic Republic of the Congo

In the News

Apr 3, 2020

Englebert quoted in Voice of America on the effects of COVID-19 on conflict-ridden regions

By Atlantic Council

Africa Conflict


Mar 26, 2020

COVID-19 in the DR Congo

By Private: Pierre Englebert

As of March 24, the Democratic Republic of Congo had only forty-eight confirmed cases of coronavirus, with three dead of the disease. But although Congo is only in the very first stages of the pandemic, the contrast between the degree of state capacity and social discipline that it takes to stifle the disease and Congo’s record on these two counts is particularly worrisome.

Africa Coronavirus