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The sixth AI Connect webinar, held on August 25, 2022, focused on digital ecosystems that enable responsible and sustainable policy environments for AI governance.   

The event began with a keynote by Margaret Martonosi, Director for Computer and Information Science and Engineering at the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), who covered a wide range of topics, from Moore’s law to the scaling curve and how it drives the processor industry. She highlighted that, as artificial intelligence is integrated into emerging technologies in a post-Moore’s law world, it is important that research and development (R&D) of AI are directed by policies intentionally designed to benefit the sociotechnical system through means such as data democratization and sustainability goals. Accordingly, conversations between policymakers and technical experts are more important than ever. Dr. Martonosi concluded by sharing NSF’s National AI Research Resource Task Force, which aims to provide a holistic advanced computing ecosystem to enable all American’s participation in innovating next-gen artificial intelligence.   

Next, participants heard from Lisa Amini, Director and Distinguished Engineer at IBM Research Cambridge. Dr. Amini spoke about the development of foundational AI models that have resulted from years of responsibly coordinated R&D practices which integrated data with AI to create scalable, self-supervising systems. Allegedly, the establishment of such models offers a virtuous cycle in which new data and new technologies can be adapted to ensure AI is scalable and adaptable to a variety of challenges.   

The webinar concluded with a panel comprised of AI Connect participants Juan David Gutiérrez, Associate Professor of International, Political, and Urban Studies at the Universidad del Rosario, and Sally Radwan, Minister Advisor for Artificial Intelligence in Egyptian Ministry of Communications & Information Technology. Dr. Gutiérrez presented on algorithmic transparency in Colombia and the current national policies governing AI, including an ethical framework put forth in 2021 to establish responsible AI norms and address the inherent risks of AI. Dr. Radwan followed with insights into the development of Egypt’s national AI strategy for creating ecosystems broadly applicable across government agencies, development, capacity building, and international relations. While Egypt faces many challenges in AI, such as handwritten Egyptian Arabic to English language integration, its national strategy aims to create a data culture that promotes new innovative systems.